Maximise your Pensions Ireland

Whether you are an individual looking to start a pension, considering redundancy offers or trying to find or claim pension benefits from your former Employer’s scheme, a specialist Pension Advisor is available to help you through the technical and regulatory process.

The Q Pension Advisor will simply explain the right pathway for developing the most tax-efficient and cost-effective solution for your personal situation. Your Q Pension Advisor will also examine all your pension charges, seen and unseen, and advise you on the most competitive arrangement for your situation.

Unlock my Pension
Find my Pension
Start or Review my Pension
Redundancy Related Advice
Tax Free Lump Sums
Directors, Executives & Self-Employed

Pension Advice Ireland

Question your Pension Charges, Performance and Claims!

Need pension planning advice, investigation of charges or want to cash in a pension?

Experienced advisors help you start a personal or company pension.

Get expert pension advice no matter where you live in Ireland. See full list of counties for pensions Ireland.

Find and release a tax-free lump sum today. Understand the new rules around pensions auto enrolment. Get 7 Tips to Maximise Benefits from Ireland’s 2024 Pension Auto Enrolment Scheme.

Ireland’s leading private and company pension specialists are waiting to help you fully investigate your pension options right now.

joint pension advice

150 years of Professional Pension Experience

QFinancial advisors boardroom

Q Financial Advisors from left to right; Declan Hardiman, Donal Kennedy, Iain Kilbane, Lorraine Connolly, Claire Mannion and Luke O’Brien

Call a Qualified Financial Advisor now!
Claim your tax free lump sum.

Can I cash in my pension from age 50?
Can redundancy payments affect my pension later on?
Can Q Pensions help Executives, Directors or Self Employed?
Annual Management Charges & Commissions charged by Pension Providers vary greatly. Let us compare the market for you.

Why work with Q Pensions

Fast Pension Release at 50

If you have a pension in a former Employer’s scheme, we will find it, assess its current schedule of charges and performance. We will process your pension release quickly and clearly.

Fair Analysis Check

We investigate your current charges and fund performance and do a best-against-the-best analysis on your best options.

Experienced Consultants

Our Advisors have vast experience of group schemes, personal pensions, redundancy schemes and self-administered schemes. They will find the most tax-efficient and cost effective plan for you.


Some sources of advice are very generic. Our dedicated and highly experienced team of Qualified Pension Consultants bring a huge knowledge of pension planning to your business and Employment Sector.

Pensions Calculator Ireland

Unlock your retirement strategy with Pensions Calculator Ireland, your reliable resource for accurate pension projections.

Cash my Pension

If you have a pension in a former employer’s scheme or in a personal pension, you may be able to get tax-free cash from age 50.

Please complete the data box and our Q Pension Advisor will be in touch within 24 hours.

Find and Investigate my Pension

Rates, Charges, Performance

Need Pension Planning advice? If you have pension benefits in a previous Employer’s scheme or in an old Personal Pension, we can assist you with finding and reviewing your early retirement options. If you are more than 50 you may be able to avail of a TAX-FREE LUMP SUM. You may wish to extract cash from your pension or claim early retirement benefits. We can assist you with the technical details of the claim and regulatory compliance process. Our Q Pension Advisor will investigate all charges and deductions from your current or former scheme and find the most competitive arrangement for you. 

To release some pension cash from a previous Pension or Former Employer’s scheme, call us today and get an Experienced, Qualified Financial Advisor working on your case.

Call us today Dublin (01) 5313200 Galway (091) 421900 Cork (021) 4190009 Limerick (061) 513900

Start a Pension

Compare pension charges and performance

Whether you have just started a new employment, are self-employed or a company director, we provide impartial analysis of your pension considerations.

The Q Pension Advisors will examine the costs and charges associated with your pension and do a full comparative analysis among all regulated pension providers available.

Fund performance analysis over the past decade is availableWe can work out with you your most tax effective means of contributing to your pension. We will do a best-against-the-best analysis of your Pension’s performance.

Start up and fund advice on all of your pension options is available;

  • Personal Pensions and PRSA’s (saving tax efficiently)
  • Executive Pensions (Allocation Rates and Tax Efficiency)
  • Company Schemes (cost and performance analysis)
  • Self-Administered Pensions (Property Based Pensions)

Call us today Dublin (01) 5313200 Galway (091) 421900 Cork (021) 4190009 Limerick (061) 513900

Complete the data box below and your Q Pension Advisor will contact you within 24 hours.

Pension and Redundancy

Are you considering redundancy and need advice?

Get Qualified Advice on your Redundancy Entitlements and Options. Experienced Financial Consultants are on hand now to evaluate Employers’ redundancy offers. We will examine your entitlements as well as the impact of any payment on your taxation or pension status.

Where you lose your job due to circumstances such as the closure of the business or a reduction in the number of staff this is known as redundancy.

The redundancy payments act 1967 – 2014 provide a minimum entitlement to a redundancy payment for employees who have a set period of service with the employer. Not all employees are entitled to the statutory redundancy payment, even where a redundancy situation exists. If you do qualify for redundancy there are specific redundancy procedures which employers and employees must follow in order to comply with the legislation.

redundancy advice ireland

Tax and pension advice available, call us today on Dublin (01) 5313200 Galway (091) 421900 Cork (021) 4190009 Limerick (061) 513900

To arrange a free initial consultation on your redundancy and pension options. Complete the data box attached and an experienced redundancy or pension consultant will contact you within 24 hours to help explain your redundancy entitlements.

Tax Free Lump Sum

If you have a pension from a previous employment, PRSA, or a Personal Pension you might be able to release a TAX-FREE LUMP SUM. You may wish to extract cash from your pension or claim early retirement benefits. We can assist you with the technical details of the claim and regulatory compliance process.

Age 50+

If you have a pension fund in a previous employment scheme, you may be able to release

25% of the fund as a TAX-FREE LUMP SUM. 

Everybody’s situation is different and our Advisors will examine your Leaving Service Options with the previous scheme and advise on an approved, regulatory pathway for securing your tax-free lump sum and early retirement benefits.

tax free lump sum pension

Retirement due to ill-health

Many workers are forced to retire due to ill health or an incapacity to continue working in their previous occupation. While consent to early retirement on the basis of ill-health is usually at the discretion of the Trustees of the employer’s scheme, this consent can be forthcoming based on clear and proper medical evidence and an ill-health claim may be considered with an enhanced tax-free lump sum in certain circumstances.

We will assist you with the detailed claim process in a discreet, efficient and timely manner, ensuring that your full pension and statutory retirement benefits are fulfilled.

Cash from an Early Retirement Option in your 50s may be a real and timely boost to your finances;

  • Third level fees
  • Paying off the mortgage
  • Reducing debt
  • Family wedding
  • Children’s new home deposit;

Are some of the main advantages of pension cash release in your 50s. These are important considerations which may affect your income in retirement.

Our Advisors will talk you through the process and assist you with the detailed claim.

To release some pension cash from a previous Employer’s scheme, call us today and get an experienced, Financial Advisor working on your case.

Call us today Dublin (01) 5313200 Galway (091) 421900 Cork (091) 4190009 Limerick (061) 513900

Or complete the data box and we will return your call within 24 hours.

Directors, Employer or Self-Employed

Whether you are self-employed, a company director, or an executive looking to compare the structures, options and charges available for your situation or status, an Experienced Corporate Pensions Consultant is available to you today. Q Pensions have specialist pension consultants who will review your situation and plan the most tax-efficient and cost-effective option for you and your company.

A Free Review of;

  • Master Trust

  • Group scheme

  • Early Retirement Options
  • Self-Administered Pension Trusts (Tax-free property rental income)
  • EU Residency Retirement Models (Retire abroad tax-free options);
employers pensions ireland

Are all available to you in consultation with our specialist pension planners.

Free comparative review on all Company’s schemes, Directors, Pension and self employed pension funds by corporate pension specialists.


A Qualified Pension Specialist is available to you today to provide a comparison of structures, options and charges available for your situation.

Call us today Dublin (01) 5313200 Galway (091) 421900 Cork (021) 4190009 Limerick (061) 513900

Complete the advice request on the data box and a specialist pension advisor will be back to you in 24 hours.

Have your pension plans and scheme costscharges, investment strategies and performance investigated and reviewed privately today.

Company Director

Need pension planning advice? Whether you are a Director or Senior Executive, an experienced Corporate Pensions Consultant is available to you today. They will review your situation and plan the most tax-efficient and cost-effective pathway for you and your company. They will compare the structures, options and charges available for your situation or status. They will also review the membership charges and performance of group schemes.

A FREE review of;

  • Master Trust

  • Group schemes
  • Early retirement
  • Self-Administered Pensions Trusts
  • EU residency retirement models

Are all available to you in consultation with our team of specialist pension planners.

Free comparative review on all company’s schemes:

  • director’s pension
  • self-employed
  • pension funds

Have your old pension plans and scheme costs, investment strategies and performance reviewed privately today.

Complete a data box today and our specialist Q Pension Advisor will be in touch within 24 hours.

Q Financial Advisors

Talk to a Q Financial Advisor today

QFinancial advisors boardroom

Left to right: Iain Kilbane, Declan Hardiman, Lorraine Connolly, John Morrin, Claire Mannion, Michael O’Connor, Donal Kennedy

Complete the minimum data request box on the right, and an experienced and Qualified Financial Advisor will be in touch with you within 24 hours.

“The team at Q Financial Advisors were knowledgeable, understanding and very responsive to our needs. We saved money and got a much better direction on our future finances.” – A McG & M.J.C (Galway)