Your Savings Advisors

Deposit interest rates are not matching inflation, so how do I get a return on my savings or pension contributions?

savings accounts providers compare ireland

Save for your Plans & Dreams

Savings Services

With interest rates and inflation rising, how do I invest safely without my savings being eroded? How much tax will I pay on my gains?

Save for the important things in life

Education plans, mortgage deposits, emergencies or long term investments.

Can I invest a lump sum?
Can someone explain how & where I can save regularly?

Regular Savings Plans provide for a rainy day.


Savers in Ireland save €319 a month on average* (Irish Examiner Survey)

Owner occupied household savers in Ireland have a median savings value of €6200* (Source: CSO)

What do Irish People save for?
Buying a car
Buying a new home

Irish household wealth hits all time high despite pandemic (Irish Times Feb 2021)

Why work with Q Life?

Fast review of access savings plan

Access Savings plans allow you to save regularly while investing at the same time. You can choose from a wide range of investment providers such as; Irish Life, Aviva and Standard Life

Plan for your dreams; Education, Weddings and more

You may need a regular savings plan for;

  • Children’s Education
  • New Home
  • Mortgage Deposit
  • Your Wedding
  • Holidays

Traditional Deposit accounts pay very little interest anymore. It is possible to invest in a Pension Related Savings Account (PRSA) even if you do not have a current income. Learn how you can still get a TAX-FREE LUMP SUM from your PRSA at retirement.