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    Pension Calculator Ireland

    Take two minutes to see how much your monthly income might be in retirement

    Pensions Calculator Ireland

    Planning for retirement can be complex. Understanding how much you need to save for your pension shouldn’t be. Our Pension Calculator simplifies the process. Our pension calculator helps you forecast your retirement savings based on your current age, annual contributions, expected retirement age, and more.

    How to Use the Pensions Calculator

    To get the most accurate estimate, please follow provide us with the following information:

    1. Enter Your Current Age: This helps us calculate your investment horizon.
    2. Input Your Annual Income: This determines the feasibility of your expected contributions.
    3. Current Pension Savings: If you have existing pension funds, include the total amount here.
    4. Expected Annual Contributions: How much you plan to save each year.
    5. Desired Retirement Age: When you plan to retire.
    6. Investment Growth Rate: You can use our default rate based on historical averages or customize this according to your expected returns.

    How to Use the Pension Calculator

    Understanding Your Results:

    Our calculator provides two key outputs to help plan your retirement:

    • Total Pension at Retirement: The total amount you can expect to accumulate by the time you retire.
    • Estimated Monthly Income: How much you can withdraw each month during retirement to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

    Factors Impacting Your Pension:

    Several factors can influence your pension savings, especially in Ireland:

    • Taxation: Understand how your contributions and withdrawals are taxed.
    • Employer Contributions: How your employer’s contributions can boost your pension.
    • Economic Conditions: How inflation and changes in the economy might affect your savings.
    • Government Policies: Updates on state pensions and legal changes affecting retirement savings.
    joint pension advice

    150 years of Professional Pension Experience

    pensions team ireland

    Left to right: Iain Kilbane, Declan Hardiman, Lorraine Connolly, John Morrin, Claire Mannion, Michael O’Connor, Donal Kennedy

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