Savings Services
With interest rates and inflation rising, how do I invest safely without my savings being eroded? How much tax will I pay on my gains?
Save for the important things in life
Education plans, mortgage deposits, emergencies or long term investments.
Can I invest a lump sum?
Can someone explain how & where I can save regularly?
Savers in Ireland save €319 a month on average* (Irish Examiner Survey)
Owner occupied household savers in Ireland have a median savings value of €6200* (Source: CSO)
What do Irish People save for?
Buying a car
Buying a new home
Irish household wealth hits all time high despite pandemic (Irish Times Feb 2021)
Why work with Q Life?
Plan for your dreams; Education, Weddings and more
You may need a regular savings plan for;
Traditional Deposit accounts pay very little interest anymore. It is possible to invest in a Pension Related Savings Account (PRSA) even if you do not have a current income. Learn how you can still get a TAX-FREE LUMP SUM from your PRSA at retirement.
Savings & Investment Plans
Tired of low Deposit Rates from Banks?
Our Q Financial Advisors will advise on the full range of Access Savings Plan and Investment Bonds. Full reports on all regulated investment funds. All Charges investigated and minimised.
Contact a Q Savings & Investment Advisor today and your savings and Investment Plans can get started.
Fast Mortgage Switcher Options
Only 1.9% of Irish Mortgage Holders switch Banks even though most partially repaid mortgages could save nearly €10,000 in the final 10 years of a mortgage with a lower Loan to Value interest rate. Our Q Mortgage Credit Analyst will have options for you within 24 hours. You can make savings on your mortgage and life cover.
Talk to a Q Financial Advisor today

Dave Carr QFA RPA PTP Case Analysist
Complete the minimum data request box on the right, and an experienced and Qualified Financial Advisor will be in touch with you within 24 hours.
“The team at Q Financial Advisors were knowledgeable, understanding and very responsive to our needs. We saved money and got a much better direction on our future finances.” – A McG & M.J.C (Galway)